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3D-Objects in image

Course: 3D-Graphics

The goal of this assignment was to model a mug, add an image as a background and with the help of a shadow catcher make it look like the mug was a part of the image.


I had a lot of fun with this assignment and I wanted to challenge myself by creating two additional objects. I wanted to see how well I could replicate glass and metal and match them to the image. I also wanted to challenge my ability to create a copy of something which was already in the picture, in this case one of the glass bottles.


To achieve the same perspective as the image I used a texture coordinate node, connected it from the window pin to a mapping node and then to the image texture node. By adding a plane I could then align it with the tabletop through the camera. 


As this was my first time using an image as a background for a 3D scene I am interested in exploring other ways that you could find the same perspective.


To achieve casting shadows from the objects onto the image I used a shadow catcher. This was one of the trickiest parts to get right as I needed both reflections and shadows to be visible on the shadow catcher plane. What I ended up doing was projecting the image onto plane the same way I did with the image in the world shading. I then increased the metallic setting of the plane to make reflections appear stronger. The result of this looked like the picture to the right in the material preview.

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