Material Shortcut
Course: 3D-Graphics
The assignment was to create an add-on in Blender using its scripting function. I wanted to create something that would make my experience in Blender easier. Since I work a lot with materials that almost always have the same base nodes, I wanted to make an add-on that would do this for me.
The add-on can be accessed in the side menu of the shading tab as "Shader Shortcuts". Here you can choose between an image texture node tree and a glass one.
If you press the button "Image Texture" the add-on will create a new material with the nodes shown in the picture to the left. There are four different image texture nodes for each of the most usual textures that one adds to make a material, diffuse, roughness, normal and displacement
If you press the button "Glass" the add-on will create a new material with the nodes as seen in the picture to the right. This is a realistic glass shader that only works in Cycles. To change the color of the glass, all you have to do is change the color in the Transparent BSDF node
Here is an example of the glass shader being used